Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thursday, December 15 - In Hospital - Day 3

This is going to be a restful day. There are only a few things on my agenda – the post-chemo injection and a venous Doppler study to determine if I have a blood clot since my right leg is fairly swollen for no apparent reason. We find out that there is – luckily – no blood clot, so we believe that the swelling is residual fluid build-up from the IVs.

Patty & Steve Wilcoxson arrived mid-afternoon for a visit. Great to see both of them – as always. I can’t say enough about good friends who make the time to visit. It means so much to me.

I’ll be going home tonight and I can’t wait for George to spring me out of here. Bunny (Phynes) has climbed down from the IV infuser and is all packed and ready to go!

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