Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - In Hospital - Day 2

Today went well. Tara (Kelley-Baker) arrived with lots of snacks to spend the day and we had a great time chatting. I also had the wonderful chocolates that Janet Jester sent - thank you so much, Janet!

I finished the chemotherapy regime for the day. Dr. Ledakis has ordered a CT scan to determine if there has been any change in the mass. He is also concerned that I am only receiving one of the two drugs for this chemo regimen – so he will be discussing that with his team and my internist, Dr. Warren Ross. (Dr. Ledakis says that he wouldn't administer Rituxin again unless I was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)).

We also decided to change the post-chemo therapy from Neulasta to Neupogen. Neuopogen is administered in three daily injections, so I can have one injection before I leave the hospital and come back to the hospital for the following two days. Neupogen may not have the same adverse affects (severe bone pain) that I had with Neulasta.

FANTASTIC NEWS from Dr. Ledakis. The CT scan showed that the mass has reduced by almost 50%. This is wonderful news and means that the chemotherapy is working. After letting the family know, I shared the news with Bernie (Murphy) who shared it with those attending the Calverton Holiday Party (see photo).

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