Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Diagnosis

My confirmed diagnosis is Low Grade B-Cell Lymphoma, to be treated with chemotherapy.

The next step is to have a bone marrow biopsy which will be performed on Friday 11/4 at Mercy Hospital by my medical oncologist, Dr. Peter Ledakis. After that, I will have a PET scan on Monday. The chemotherapy is scheduled to begin on Thursday 11/17 at Mercy Hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Close family friend, Pat Sadowsky, and I are wishing we could stay another day to help organize Di's home office but George got home last night and Michael is helping her today with a drive to Baltimore for the biopsy, so we are hitting the road. Pat's train is at 11 and I have an 8 hour drive back to SC. More later.
