Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Many thanks to my PIRE Family

Mere words cannot begin to express my sincere thanks to my PIRE Family for their support and encouragement throughout these past weeks.

First and foremost is Bernie Murphy, our CEO...but Bernie has been much more than that to me over the years and especially these past couple of months…he’s been my brother / therapist / analyst / decoder of all things medical / but most of all, my friend! If it were not for Bernie’s compassion and diligence, I’d probably still be limping around the office mumbling about the pain. He stayed after me to make appointments with the doctors to pursue a diagnosis – and, once the appointments started and the pain increased, he all but demanded that I stay at home and take care of myself first. When he knew I needed some PIRE news in order to think about something other than myself, he kept me current on everything at the office…and Nancy Murphy reminded me that I’m much to feisty to let cancer get me down. Thank you so much, Bernie.

What can I say about Bob Walden? Well – if you ever have a ‘red tape’ dilemma, Bob’s your guy! When I had difficulty having my insurance cover the payment for a PET scan I needed, Bob did a phenomenal job of contacting everyone necessary to unscramble the codes of what is and is not covered. In addition, he and his wife, Susan, sent me the biggest box of gourmet chocolate confections I’d ever seen (or devoured!). Thank you, Bob!

The Executive Services Staff – what can I say about the best group in the business! Alexis, Joey & Howard have been wonderful about picking up all the slack while I’m away. They brought me a fantastic birthday lunch complete with flowers and presents (preceded by Wolfermann’s breakfast treats) and have kept in touch almost daily. Yes, Howard, I’m trying to take it easy!

I had a great phone call with Allan Cohen, the founder of PIRE, who had wonderful words of wisdom – as he always does! Harold Holder, the Chair of the PIRE Board, has been wonderfully supportive since all of this started – trying to keep my work to a minimum – and sending weekly notes of encouragement. Faye Calhoun has called me numerous times to let me know she’s there if I need anything. During a recent trip to the area, Faye came up with Bernie to visit. Many of the other Directors have sent notes of encouragement.

And good wishes and support comes from across the Institute – from Joel Grube, Kathy Stewart and Bob Saltz (Berkeley), Bob Stout, flowers and notes from Karen Friend (Providence), Al Stein-Seroussi, Matt Courser and Janet Jester (Chapel Hill).

My sincere thanks to everyone for your kindness and prayers.

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