Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pat and Herman leave today...

Pat & Hermie are leaving today. They've done an absolutely fantastic job of setting up my home office. Once the PIRE IT team gets the new All In One printer online, I'll be ready to publish the next issue of PIRE News and anything else that needs doing!

I'm so sad to see Hermie & Pat go. Hermie just left to take Pat to the BWI train station, but they're coming back for Thanksgiving, I hope! George is already planning the menu - being very careful of their slightly idiosyncratic diets.

I don't know what I would have done without Hermie & Pat this week while George was on business travel (which had been postponed for two weeks). They were here when I received the dreaded diagnosis...and, needless to say, I will never forget those moments - or them, for being here, and giving me hope and inspiration to fight this damn lymphoma.

They have grocery shopped, cooked meals, set up the home office, cleaned out my closet (which hadn't been done since the 90's :), took out the trash and recycling, and generally not let me lift a finger since they walked in the door.

George cooked a fabulous last dinner for them - crab cakes! He's also extremely thankful to both of them for being here with me. Tonight it's just the two of us and dear, dear George will have to go back into Nurse mode. He's been fantastic since all of this started; especially when I couldn't get up and down the steps the first week after the uretal stent was implanted. He was unbelievable! He ran up and down the stairs delivering meals, and Hagen Das 'coffee' ice cream. He's also been very diligent about making sure that I drink at least three bottles of water each day.

For both the stent and biopsy, George sat diligently at my bedside before and after the procedures. I think he may have 'had' the procedures for me, if they had let him. After each procedure, the medical team strongly suggests that you be 'watched' for 24 hours...and he did...literally...cautiously listening to every whine and wimper even when I was sleeping.

On Monday I will FINALLY have the PET scan. More about that later...

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